Technical Data

T-Loft 582

Mechanical unit Fiat Ducato
Engine, Power HP 2,2 MJ 140 CV
Painted front bumper S
Maximum technically permissible weight (Kg) 3500
Wheels dimensions 16'' lega
Manual cab air conditionning S
Length 7450
Driver and Passenger airbag S
Width 2350
Cruise Control with speed limiter S
Weight unladen in running conditions (Kg) 2910
Antifog lights S
Automatic gear PACK MATIC
Swivelling driver's seat / Swivelling passenger's seat S
Radio aerial in wing mirrors and radio predisposition S
Fifth place approved -
Auxiliary bed in dinette O
Trasformazione letti gemelli in matrimoniale -
Homologated seats 4
Berths 4 (+1 OPT)
Rear Bed (cm) 190x150
Dimensions Auxiliary bed in Dinette (cm) 216x103(75) (OPT)
Overcab bed (cm) -
Elevating Bed (cm) 190x123(103)
Rear camera with monitor integrated in the rear mirror S
Solar Panel (fitted) S
Entrance door with two central locking points S (XL)
Entrance door with fixed window S (XL)
Flyscreen for entrance door S
Locker (useful opening, cm) 115x95 - 115x95
Panoramic roof (mm) S (1000x800)
Veranda (fitted) S
Steering wheel radio controls S
Cab seat covers S
Floor / walls / roof thickness (cm) 5,4 / 3 / 3
Rear skylight (mm) S (400x400) / O (960x655)
Central skylight (mm) S (400x400)
Dinette skylight (mm) -
Skylight toilette/shower (cm) - / D 7,6
Day / night internal separation S (porta rigida)
Space for 2 gas bottles (tot. Max 15 Kg) S
Tank capacity: clear water / wastewater (L**) 20(120) / 100
Burners / gas oven / Suction hood 3 / O / -
Automatic trivalent fridge ( 220V, 12V, gas ) (L) 145
Pleated cab blind S
Rear bed height adjustment S (elettrico)
Beds with staves S
Swivelling LCD holder S
Plus Combi remote Control S
Serbatoio riscaldato S
Legend: S Standard | O Optional | - unavailable
Nota: All the information and photos shown herein are to be considered as merely indicative and do not constitute contractual specifications.

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